Dr Rath Health Foundation
Responsibility for Health, Peace and Social Justice--Make Health Not War. The people of the world face one of the largest challenges in human history. The right to health and life for billions of people is being threatened by the financial interests of the largest investment industry on earth û the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. The marketplaces of this industry are diseases and its future growth is dependent on the further expansion of the disease market. Millions of people, entire countries are deciding that they no longer wish to live in the dependency of the pharmaceutical cartel. Developing countries and industrialized nations alike are beginning to restructure their health care systems focusing on preventive, effective, safe and affordable natural health
1 Healthy World
Empowering Personal Wellness through Alternative and Holistic Medicine. What you must know about alternative and holistic medicine, including the tools and information to prevent and reverse disease and create and maintain vibrant health in mind, body, and spirit.
Brain Respiration
Brain Respiration is a training program that will allow you to have an authentic experience of the truth that, “The answer lies inside yourself.” Whatever it is that you are looking for, the answer lies inside of you.How many times have you heard this? But have you ever been taught HOW to find the answer inside yourself? Your brain is the key. Through learning how to use your brain well, you will be able to access the answer you are looking for. Brain Respiration training programs will guide you to discover your true value and worth. You will be able to live your life realizing this value.
Care without harm
Health Care Without Harm is an international coalition of hospitals and health care systems, medical professionals, community groups, health-affected constituencies, labor unions, environmental and environmental health organizations and religious groups.
Club Spa
Now you can enjoy the spa life style close to home and on the road, any time when your mind, body and spirit demand to be nurtured, pampered, rejuvenated, refreshed, recharged...
Dolphin therapy
Dolphin Human Therapy (DHT), Inc., is a private company which provides a full time, individualized dolphin-assisted rehabilitation program for special needs children and adults
Welcome to HEALL's Community for Body Mind Soul Earth Well Being Resources. Surf, Sift and Search No More - We have spent 30 years sorting the wheat from the chaff to save you time and money. We are dedicated to bringing you information that separates fact from profit motives.
Holisitic Health Center
Welcome to the Holistic Health Center in Tunkhannock, Pa., an oasis for those seeking out holistic answers for their health concerns. You have come to a place where you will find dedicated practitioners who want to aid you in your journey back to good health and peace!
Holotrapic Breathwork
Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world. Holotropic means literally "moving toward wholeness"
Living Wellness Foundation
The Living Wellness Foundation is committed to bringing together the worlds of health & healing, spirituality, creativity, and education to support a truly holistic vision for living. We seek to create opportunities for soulful work in the community by establishing programs, forums, fund raising events, and support for healing and spiritual tradition, cultural creatives, and those who seek to educate the community through film, literature, and lectures
"Sharing from the heart of wisdom of our worlds" best exemplifies our intent. We're about exploring human development, deep ecology, cultural diversity, and health & healing through cultural traditions as a bridge for human growth. By taking knowledge into applications that facilitate deep human experience, we all grow to appreciate our higher potentials.
"Sharing from the heart of wisdom of our worlds" best exemplifies our intent. We're about exploring human development, deep ecology, cultural diversity, and health & healing through cultural traditions as a bridge for human growth. By taking knowledge into applications that facilitate deep human experience, we all grow to appreciate our higher potentials.
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Doctors and laypersons working together for compassionate and effective medical practice, research, and health promotion.
The Chopra Center
The Chopra Center at La Costa Resort and Spa boldly explores new frontiers in the expansion of human consciousness through programs, products, and services for the integration of mind, body, spirit and environment in health care, education, business and personal development.