Cold Fusion |
Cold Fusion Archives
For over 20 years, the Progressive Review has been one of the few non-scientific American publications to take this issue seriously - not because of assurance that the theory would work out, but because the available facts and the rampant criticisms didn't add up.
Peswiki is an one-stop-site for all your energy questions and research! This page is dedicated to cold fusion, its history and many links for your viewing.
Cold Fusion Times
This the cold fusion science and technology website of now. Here you can learn about the latest cold fusion technologies, low energy nuclear reation, solid state nuclear, and associated technologies."The journal of the scientific aspects of loading isotopic fuels into materials and the science and engineering of lattice-assisted nuclear reactions"
Frequently asked questions and more!
Cold Fusion Now
Cold Fusion Now says no to dirty hydrocarbon fuels and their environmental pollution; no to today’s dangerous nuclear power plants creating radioactive waste with no disposal plan. Cold fusion technology is the viable alternative energy that could power a new generation of technology for humankind. Safe clean, and abundant, new energy offers an opportunity for a technological future on Earth. We are committed to anultra-clean, next-generation nuclear power from the hydrogen in water.
"All The Power That Ever Was Or Will Be Is Here Now" Fifty years after the birth of the Nuclear Age, an astonishing source of energy has been discovered... Theorists can not fully explain it, many reject it, but there is no doubt it exists. It may be far more potent than the fusion energy of stars, and it has no known limits. It will end the world we know... This time, for the better...
Space and Motion
Discussion of Physics (Experimental and Theoretical) of Cold Fusion, and the important consequences for Humanity of understanding Cold Fusion as a useful form of Alternative Energy.