Energy Medicine |
How is Distance Energy Healing Scientifically Possible? video
Giving Energy Medicine a Chance
Medical crises of our times, such as the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the breakdown in pain medications show that the need for an institution to evaluate new and promising methods that are coming into widespread use but that are not well regulated or tested by existing institutions. James Oschman proposes the equivalent of the Underwriters Laboratory specializing in the evaluation of new medical devices and techniques.
Dr. Claude Swanson: Subtle Energy: The Scientific Evidence video
Dr. Claude Swanson joins Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where he discusses the nature of subtle energy and its effect on us and the world around us. Dr. Swanson also describes scientific studies which support the concept of subtle lifefore energy or chi.
For the last twenty years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into "unconventional physics." His principal interest has been unified field theory, the so-called "Theory of Everything" which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This has led him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena which violate our present science.
For the last twenty years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into "unconventional physics." His principal interest has been unified field theory, the so-called "Theory of Everything" which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This has led him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena which violate our present science.
MultiWave Research
Georges Lakhovsky's ground-breaking Multiple Wave Oscillator has disrupted century-old idea's.
Emotional Freedom Techniques
I hope this doesn't sound too grandiose but you just walked into the most successful health innovation in the last 100 years. Based on impressive new discoveries regarding the body's subtle energies, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has been astonishingly successful in thousands of clinical cases. It applies to just about every emotional and physical issue you can name and often works where nothing else will.
Energetic Medicine
Energetic-Medicine was created by Harry Massey to provide a good, introductory overview of the world of energy medicine.
Harry initially became interested in the field of energy medicine whilst completing his academic studies in the UK. At the time, Harry was suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and was frustrated with the lack of support and options offered by traditional medical sources. After completing his studies, he began to investigate ways to aid a complete recovery from his illness. His search led him to accumulate a deep understanding and interest in cutting-edge, medical technology, known as energetic medicine. Finding the field of energetic medicine so appealing, and realizing its potential to help the chronically ill, Harry began to search the Internet for information on energetic medical devices. Due to the lack of easily digestible, non-biased material available, he decided to set up this site to help others look for answers beyond the realms of the established pharmaceutical protocol
Harry initially became interested in the field of energy medicine whilst completing his academic studies in the UK. At the time, Harry was suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and was frustrated with the lack of support and options offered by traditional medical sources. After completing his studies, he began to investigate ways to aid a complete recovery from his illness. His search led him to accumulate a deep understanding and interest in cutting-edge, medical technology, known as energetic medicine. Finding the field of energetic medicine so appealing, and realizing its potential to help the chronically ill, Harry began to search the Internet for information on energetic medical devices. Due to the lack of easily digestible, non-biased material available, he decided to set up this site to help others look for answers beyond the realms of the established pharmaceutical protocol
Energy Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer
Something animates the body. What exactly it is which gives life to otherwise dead meat may not be knowable in scientific terms. However, there are many manifestations of this force. When one considers a living being, one must consider what can be seen and what cannot be seen. When you walk by a telephone line you do not see something which would indicate to you the thousands of conversations whizzing back and forth over that line. Nevertheless, those conversations are happening. Likewise, when you look at the body, you cannot necessarily see the communications happening between billions of cells. Nevertheless, those communications are happening. If they were not happening, life would not be happening.
Energy Medicine Directory
Energy Medicine is based on the principle that the health of body, mind, and spirit are anchored in the body's energy systems. This site features the pioneering approach developed by Donna Eden, one of the world's most sought, most joyous, and most authoritative leaders within energy medicine. She has, over the past 25 years, demonstrated to some 30,000 people woldwide that health problems can be diminished, and often overcome, by intellingently shifting the energies that maintain them. And by keeping your energies balanced and humming, you increase your vitality, effectiveness, and joy in life! Learn how to move your energies to get them to do what you want them to do, from healing illness to increasing vitality to infusing joy into every cell of your body.
Health World
List of energy information and schools.
Energy medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living, moving force that determines much about health and happiness. In Energy Medicine, energy is the medicine, and energy is also the "patient." Tending to this energy feels good and vividly promotes your health and vitality.
The Energy Medicine Programs offered by Innersource are based on the methods taught by Donna Eden, one of the world's most widely respected healers and a pioneer in bringing the methods of energy medicine to the public. Simply put, these programs show you how to move your energies to get them to do what you want them to do, from healing illness to increasing vitality to infusing joy into every cell of your body.
The Energy Medicine Programs offered by Innersource are based on the methods taught by Donna Eden, one of the world's most widely respected healers and a pioneer in bringing the methods of energy medicine to the public. Simply put, these programs show you how to move your energies to get them to do what you want them to do, from healing illness to increasing vitality to infusing joy into every cell of your body.
Institute of Heartmath
The Institute of HeartMath is an innovative nonprofit 501 (c) (3) research and education organization. Our primary mission is to facilitate people in finding the balance between mind and heart in life's decisions. Through many years of research, IHM has developed what is now known as the HeartMath System: a set of practical techniques and technologies to help people transmute stress and negative emotions in the moment, improve performance and enrich the quality of life.
National Center for Alternative and Complimentary Medicine
Energy medicine is a domain in CAM that deals with energy fields of two types1: * Veritable, which can be measured * Putative, which have yet to be measured
The veritable energies employ mechanical vibrations (such as sound) and electromagnetic forces, including visible light, magnetism, monochromatic radiation (such as laser beams), and rays from other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. They involve the use of specific, measurable wavelengths and frequencies to treat patients.2
In contrast, putative energy fields (also called biofields) have defied measurement to date by reproducible methods. Therapies involving putative energy fields are based on the concept that human beings are infused with a subtle form of energy. This vital energy or life force is known under different names in different cultures, such as qi in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ki in the Japanese Kampo system, doshas in Ayurvedic medicine, and elsewhere as prana, etheric energy, fohat, orgone, odic force, mana, and homeopathic resonance.3 Vital energy is believed to flow throughout the material human body, but it has not been unequivocally measured by means of conventional instrumentation. Nonetheless, therapists claim that they can work with this subtle energy, see it with their own eyes, and use it to effect changes in the physical body and influence health.
The veritable energies employ mechanical vibrations (such as sound) and electromagnetic forces, including visible light, magnetism, monochromatic radiation (such as laser beams), and rays from other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. They involve the use of specific, measurable wavelengths and frequencies to treat patients.2
In contrast, putative energy fields (also called biofields) have defied measurement to date by reproducible methods. Therapies involving putative energy fields are based on the concept that human beings are infused with a subtle form of energy. This vital energy or life force is known under different names in different cultures, such as qi in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ki in the Japanese Kampo system, doshas in Ayurvedic medicine, and elsewhere as prana, etheric energy, fohat, orgone, odic force, mana, and homeopathic resonance.3 Vital energy is believed to flow throughout the material human body, but it has not been unequivocally measured by means of conventional instrumentation. Nonetheless, therapists claim that they can work with this subtle energy, see it with their own eyes, and use it to effect changes in the physical body and influence health.
Quantum Touch
As you move around this site you'll quickly discover why Alternative Medicine Magazine has called Quantum-Touch "A Significant Breakthrough". The ability to strikingly reduce pain and accelerate the healing process is an easily learned and invaluable skill.
ISSSEEM is an international non-profit interdisciplinary organization dedicated to exploring and applying subtle energies as they relate to the experience of consciousness, healing, and human potential. We believe ISSSEEM is in a unique position, acting both as a bridge builder between communities and a leader in the field, offering a community with a widespread appreciation of the energetic component within many disciplines including quantum physics, therapeutic modalities, healing, psychology, consciousness, psi and the understanding of our multidimensional existence
The Wolfe Clinic
Changes take place quickly these days, and we, at the Wolfe Clinic, are constantly made aware of advancements in the fight against pain and disease. We are dedicated to research on a global scale and to delivering the most powerful, efficient, up-to-the-minute health program tailored for you individually. Our number one interest is in your good health.
Tibetan Energy Medicine
Tibetan Energy Medicine - Rae HathertonRae Hatherton, ND, C.M.T. (USA), C.M.I., C.Ht., is a master healer and teacher whose practice centres on Tibetan Energy Medicine, an ancient healing tradition. Her approach combines the knowledge passed on to her by teachers of many different models of work into one coherent system to balance the body/mind.
Frequency Rising
This site is for those like us who are interested in finding healthy lifestyle products for the home and body. Some of the products we've discovered have even been touted as successful holistic health remedies and "alternative medicines" to pharmaceutical medicines.
The Trivedi Effect
Transform every aspect of your well-being, enhance your perception, and accelerate growth to find your true happiness.
Tesla Energy Light Systems
A Tesla Light System known as Tesla Energy Lights™ is a personal energy management system designed to donate electrons, recharge and permeate one's subtle energy bodies with compatible high frequency subtle energies.
Disclaimer: It is not our intention to prescribe or make specific health claims for any products. Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come under the direction of your health care practitioner.
Disclaimer: It is not our intention to prescribe or make specific health claims for any products. Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come under the direction of your health care practitioner.