Educate to Self-empower!
"Phase conjugate (golden ratio) collapse - IS the constructive charge compression which causes THE GRAVITY." - Dan Winter
New Realities radio show with Dan Winter and Bill Donovan
This radio show is a must to get started in understanding the science that makes up our world. It is a fun interview and goes into the real stories of Tesla's experiences among other insightful explanations that mainstream will understand.
When Tesla used the word 'tension' or pressure for voltage- perhaps he was unaware this was also the name for compression and rarefaction of the vacuum, the only real definition of charge.. pointing to the urgent need to understand the origin of all centripetal forces (electronegativity in general-like the electron itself is functionally a little fractal black hole for charge- why negative ion wind is SO rejuvenating.. and so fragile) successful compression is always fractal/recursion- golden ratio in essence.. hence- the origin of gravity
Discovering the Laws of Physics
Key for all to understand: Phase conjugate generation of the perfected longitudinal EMF ( sometimes incorrectly called scalar)
Alphabet of the Heart
Dan Winter's first book.
IMPLOSION: Secret Science ofEcstacy and Immortality
Conscious Kids - Spiritual Path in Simple Science for the Young and Young at Heart - Bliss, Ecstacy, & Immortality Explained
"After delving into it I started to understand piece by piece the concepts archived on the site. The book was written well, accommodating someone of my limited knowledge on the subjects very well. Page by page i read, and many times i was forced to stop in awe as i read a line or phrase that seemed to make so much sense that i was dumbstruck as it were." - a reader
Dan Winter’s new book presents the most compelling and systematic scientific evidence to date – that fractality in space and time is the specific mechanism and cause of gravity, biologic negentropy, life force, perception, and human bliss. Although several hugely famous authors have already presented their books on fractality in time- by comparison – this book shows they were functionally clueless about the physics. Winter quotes many scientists who have already speculated that fractality is the cause of gravity- BUT Winter is the first to very specifically define the frequency, geometry, and wave mechanic optimization of that gravity causing fractality.
Everyone agrees that fractality is infinite compression. Fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression but untilWinter- no one knew what a fractal FIELD was. Golden Ratio is unquestionably self-similarity optimized- as precisely is fractality. Einstein argued that gravity was infinite charge compression- but never learned what a fractal was. Winter now presents overwhelming evidence that golden ratio phase conjugation IS fractality incarnate in all wave mechanics. IF Winter is right with his exact frequency signatures for fractality in space and time- he clearly presents how to repair all wave systems to emerge from chaos- fixing environments for peak perception, amplifying the Schumann phase conjugate pump wave so Gaia climate emerges from chaos- are just the beginning. Fractality in time is now quantized and predictable- you can set your calendar. Synchronicity is nothing more than the charge coupling produced by conjugate embedding – in the (fractal) charge rotation intervals- called time. How to emerge from chaos- starts with knowing why objects fall to the ground- now for the first time both questions are answered- in pure fractal highly accurate wave mechanics: HOW negentropy originates!
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Theraphi™ plasma light technology for relief from pain, for longevity and for rejuvination. Theraphi™ intends to scientifically prove the concept that broad spectrum / centripetal conjugate field effects – rejuvenate and re-organize biologic systems - including addressing pain and many health issues- both in theory and in practice. |
Click image to go to Imploder website
The Imploder magnetic water treatment device produces a measurable and validated effect on plant growth, seed germination success, and biomass yields. It is unique technology that combines a magnetic array with a directional nozzle made from the very tough material called Fortron. The science is based on phase conjugate hydrodynamics,.. |
Advanced Geometric Fractal Physics with Mark Rohrbaugh & Dan Winter January 16, 2106 140 min. Best fractal physics conversation yet- Compare Nassim Haramein Fractal Physics vs Dan Winter with Mark's analysis |
Restoring Centripetal Forces
It has always been self-evident that virtually every living structure, leaf symmetry and the pent geometry of almost every living protein, uses the golden ratio for an electrical reason. Golden Ratio defines beauty in general for reasons which are also fundamental to physics. It is also self-evident, by inspection, that golden ratio solves the problem of recursive wave interference because it is the only solution to both adding and multiplying (recursive wave interference precisely turns recursive wave addition into multiplication). The authors present their new evidence of the golden ratio structure of hydrogen as one more evidence of the fundamental solution it poses to constructive wave interference, which IS constructive compression. Earlier they noted software emulation which showed golden ratio as the general solution to constructive interference. Here they show the wave-equation-mathematics proof. The first set shows golden ratio is the solution to constructive compression (implosion / fusion) in a line. Then they show how that precise line of golden ratio points extends out each axis of symmetry of the pent dodeca which is the proven shape of hydrogen, DNA, Earth Grid, and the UNIVERSE. Further a model is presented for how this golden ratio causes gravity electrically: As a portion of the inertia encounters recursive constructive wave interference by golden ratio, in addition to the wave lengths, the wave phasevelocities are hypothesized to heterodyne constructively recursively. This way of turning compression into (charge) acceleration is hypothesized to be the core wave mechanism of phase conjugation (apparent self-organization) and the centripetal forces of gravity, life force, color, and perception. |
The authors feel strongly that a new form of physics which knows why and how centripetal forces (like fusion, gravity, and life force) are generated with specific electrical symmetry; And that this symmetry is essential to survival in general. Knowing how the same golden ratio stellated dodeca- symmetry group is the essential wave mechanic of hydrogen, gravity, fusion, life force and perception could in fact go a long way to bringing us to restoring centripetal forces in our planet sphere teetering to the opposite of self-organization, which is chaos. If we know that gravity is stronger when centers of mass and magnetism are arranged dodecahedrally- might we not prevent our highway engineers from cutting major magnetic lines from the planet dodeca- grid once we realize that when fractality bleeds, so also does gravity, and coincidentally our atmosphere! It is no mere coincidence that the exact same dodeca- stellated geometry scaled to planck and golden ratio ( phase conjugate magnetics), in addition to healing planets, also demonstrably reduces pain and accelerates healing in humans. Restoring compression where the fractal bleeds from loss of self-organization is more than a poetic metaphor. It is the only way out of chaos. |