Lettuce are generally sap producing plant and therefore their leaves exudes milk-like fluids when cut. This is characteristics of its scientific name (Lactuca sativa) as the word lettuce was derived from the Latin word Lactuca used to mean milk.
The leafy vegetable is an annual plant that flourishes well in sandy humus medium. Although they give low calories when consumed, they are nonetheless a storehouse of phytonutrients that promises health stability and disease prevention. These include its abundant vitamins A and B carotenes. It has been discovered that 247 percent of daily vitamin A can be provided by just a 100 grams of fresh raw lettuce. It is also a rich and abundant source of Vitamins B and K. The vitamin K component makes it a perfect player in the role of bone metabolism through an increased osteoblastic activity in human bone cells. Its role in helping Alzheimer’s disease patients in limiting neuronal damage in the brain cannot be overemphasized too. Foliates layers of lettuce are rich sources of vitamin C, which are powerful natural antioxidant, and also help build body resistance against infectious agents. Its mineral compositions which include calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium position it perfectly among body metabolizers. Its mineral roles in cell and body fluid building that help to control heart rate, blood pressure and red blood cell production makes it one of the essential foods in most homes. The most essential component of lettuce is its water, and it perhaps purify the air through its massive photosynthesis process.
Have you heard about windowfarms? This concept began with a group of people creating a system for apartment dwellers or even at your office. The project was created as an open source organic sharing and development program. This was many moons ago and the windowfarm system has improved so much since! Below is a short video showing you how simple it is to grow organic food in your apartment! There are many more videos to check out....please share this information with your friends and network!
In a nutshell, growing organic strawberries at home is cool and fun. All you need is to know the requirements you will need to start this indoor growth.
Quick facts about Tomatoes
They have lots of nutritional benefits as well as rich histories that position them among the most sought after crops in the globe. Tomato consumption has been considered very beneficial for a lot of reasons especially as it contains lycopene, a substance which is considered vital for the health of prostate gland in men.
Tomatoes are popular crop all around the globe, hence the popular acceptance by almost all cultures, nations and global communities. There are over ten thousand varieties of the crop and they come in colors which ranges from pink, yellow, black, purple and white. As a widely grown crop across continents, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recorded that as much as 161,793,834 tonnes of the crop was produced in 2012, with China being the largest producer with as much as 30.9 percent of the total output. Although much of the crop production are done outdoor, country like Israel have managed greenhouse production effectively, and with simple indoor agricultural practices, you can also add to the world total output as well as you feed yourself comfortably with them from your backyard.
Fun facts about mushrooms Mushrooms are not the usually green plants, rather they are fungi. They are different from the conventional plants as they are from plants. As a matter of fact, fungi and animals are now classified to belong to the same super-kingdom called Opisthokonta. Fungi usually act as plant recycler after they die. They transform them into rich soils through some microbiological activities unseen to our eyes. It is believed that if not for decomposers, mushroom and fungi, the Earth would have been buried in several feet of debris, meaning that life on the planet would already have disappeared or would soon disappear. The oldest mushroom discovered was said to have existed 90 million years ago, and some of the oldest living mushroom colonies are said to be fairy rings growing close to the famous Stonehenge ruins in England. This ring is so large that it was said that they could best be seen from airplanes. Mushrooms have been discovered not only to be nutritionally and medically rich alone, but can also be used for production of dyes for household use.
All of this explains how nutritious basil could be when consumed by man. It is widely used in both fresh and dried form of it. It is used majorly in cuisines, and it is especially used for foods made of tomato, soups, salad, pesto and chicken meats. Although suggested to have originated from India, it is widely grown all over the world today, and that speaks for its acceptance as spice and medicine all over. For successful growth, the plant prefers light soil and high temperature as it does not tolerate drought. It’s around 160 different varieties are differs in leaf color, flowers and chemical composition, but the chemical composition determines the taste of the plant. Aside its use as spice, basils are also cultivated for its oil which re essential medicine and of great use in the chemical industry. It is widely cultivated also for ornamental use.
Get familiar with AvocadoAvocado is a tree crop whose origin has been traced to South Central Mexico. It is a flowering plant which is classified to belong to the family Lauraceae and contain as much 160 grams calories, total carbohydrate of 9 grams, a protein estimate of 4 grams and fat composition of 15 grams per every 100 gram of the crop. This shows how rich the plant is nutritionally. It is arguably the fruit with the greatest protein content with its four grams of protein, and although there has been a wide argument about whether they are fruits or vegetables, they have been scientifically proven to be fruits. There are also other fun facts about avocados which include that they are baby friendly, fiber rich, they lower bad cholesterol, upgrade dip and spreads, usually referred to as an anti-ageing powerhouse and possess a natural packaging. Avocado trees do not self-pollinate and hence they need another avocado tree around to help their pollination process.
This explains why northern gardeners need to learn the planting of avocado as houseplant such that they could enjoy their fruits at home.